![Information to Bad News [Starr. EmmaOhMaGod, Bello Kreb, Josh2Funny & Nasty King Smith] Information to Bad News [Starr. EmmaOhMaGod, Bello Kreb, Josh2Funny & Nasty King Smith]](https://scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e15/13696658_313411229002837_734340204_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMwMjgzMzg1NTgyOTM3NDA1MA%3D%3D.2)
Stumbled upon this instagram clip featuring comedians EmmaOhMaGod, Bello Kreb, Josh2Funny, Nasty King Smith and others.
The comedy clip is captioned "How information turn to bad news" and it profiles how some Nigerians turn the information they get to something else worse than the actual happening.
Download and share.

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