The cael of the wild

4 Simple Love Gestures That Drive Men Crazy

It drives the narrative of "I care, I am here for you, and I see beyond your lips and body." Based on the study of love languages, the forehead kiss is a show of affection and adoration and dates back to the Arabic culture.

10 impressive structures built by animals in the wild

The complexity of an ant hill can be astounding, with some stretching deep underground and housing millions of ants. 4. Termite moundsTermites build some of the most impressive structures in the animal kingdom.

21 Animals That No Longer Exist

The excellent animal was evaluated at around 3 to 5 billion at the pinnacle of its populace yet began vanishing from American skies by around the mid 1890s, and the last one to be located in the wild occurred around 1900. 3.

7 unusual funeral rituals from around the world

Finger amputation of the Dani tribe in Indonesia The Dani tribe of Indonesia has a very painful way of mourning the loss of a loved one. When a close family member dies, some women of the tribe cut off a part of their finger.

What exactly does a side chick do better than a main chick?

In a frank, no-holds-barred response to a question posted on Instagram by user @macshayn on August 22, another user, @odlanky says the ability of the side chick to offer wild sex and be less problematic is the edge she has over the main chick

Man Serves His Amputated Foot To Friends For Dinner

Before we cast it, I quickly took a knife from my kitchen and cut a chunk off the top of my shin. The skin was already kind of off from the surgery, leaving a big chunk of muscle exposed. I just took the muscle.
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