Calling All the Grown and Sexy: The 11 Best Yoga Poses for Sex

Wide-Legged Standing Forward Fold Butterfly Happy Baby Standing Forward Fold Low Cobra Supported Bridge Downward Dog Child's Pose Puppy Pose Cat-Cow Corpse Pose Before we get started, we want to make something crystal clear: Sex can feel great no matter how

11 Types Of People You Are Likely To Meet In A Public Transport

Many years ago, you were probably thinking by the age of twenty-something, you would have your favourite car, blasting loud music and going through life with that special someone. You ever wondered why your parent does not have those big cars you envisage

How I spent 11 hours on treetop to escape abduction - Dino Melaye

Nigerian senator, Dino Melaye who was feared kidnapped earlier this week has provided a blow-by-blow account of his unpleasant experience to PREMIUM TIMES. Read Premium Times' report below: One of his Senate colleagues, Ben Murray-Bruce, who alerted the public
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